
1. Surd, V., Puiu, V., Zotic, V., Moldovan, C. (2007), Riscul demografic în Munţii Apuseni, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN: 978-973-610-626-2 |full text|.​

2. Cocean, P., Zotic, V., Puiu, V., Moldovan, C. (2010), Amenajarea teritoriului suburban al Municipiului Bistriţa, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN: 978-973-610-985-0 |full text|.​

3. Surd, V., Belozerov, V., Puiu, V., Cepoiu, Loreta, Zotic, V., Bărăian, Stanca, Păcurar, B. (2010), Planul Urbanistic General al Municipiului Cluj-Napoca. Matricea geografică, Edit. Presa Universitară Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN: 978-793-595-224-2 |full text|.​



1. Puiu V., Zotic V. (1998), The Theory of the Geographical Risk and the Territorial Planning. Questions and Priorities, în volumul Simpozionului Internaţional ”Rural Space and Regional Development”, Editura Studia, Cluj-Napoca |full text|.​

2. Zotic V., Puiu V. (2000), Conceptul de limită şi rolul acestuia în organizarea spaţiului geografic. In volumul conferinţei regionale de geografie ”Regionalism şi integrare: cultură, spaţiu, perspective de dezvoltare”, Timişoara |full text|.​

3. Surd V., Zotic V., Puiu V. (2003), Hărţile de risc şi importanţa acestora în gestionarea teritoriului. In volumul Simpozionului Mediul – cercetare, protecţie şi gestiune, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca |full text|.​

4. Surd V., Călin Diana, Puiu V. (2003), North-Western Region of Development. In Surd V., Zotic V. (editors) (2003), Rural Space and Regional Development, 2th edition, Edit. Studia, Cluj-Napoca |full text|.​

5. Surd V., Zotic V., Puiu V., Man T. (2003), Riscul geografic şi preţul terenului în intravilan. Studiu de caz, localitatea Miceşti, judeţul Cluj. Riscuri şi catastrofe, vol. II, Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca |full text|.​

6. Surd V., Zotic V., Puiu V. (2004), The Concept of Integrated Network in territorial arrangement - The Mureș County Model. In volumul Simpozionului Geography within the Context of Contemporary Development, Editura SC. F&F Internaţional S.R.L., Gheorghieni |full text|.​

7. Surd V., Zotic V., Erchedi Nicoleta, Fonogea S., Puiu V. (2005), Riscul demografic în Munţii Apuseni. In volumul Colocviului Naţional de Geografia Populaţiei şi Aşezărilor Umane, Editura Mirton, Timişoara |full text|.​

8. Zotic V., Puiu V. (2006), The Role of the Integrated Network Concept in Elaborating the Territorial Development Choremes. Case Study: the Peri-Urban Zone of Municipium of Bistriţa. Romanian Review of Regional Studies, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca|full text|.​

9. Zotic V., Puiu V. (2006), Forme de implementare în România a Reţelei Ecologice Europene – Natura 2000. Studiu de caz: Judeţul Cluj. Forum Geografic. Studii şi cercetări de geografie şi protecţia mediului, nr. 5, Editura Universitaria Craiova |full text|.​

10. Zotic V., Puiu V., Mitran Monica (2007), Cluj County. Chorematic Model for Ecological Rehabilitation. In volumul Simpozionului Internaţional Rural Space and Local Development, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca |full text|.​

11. Zotic V., Puiu V., Moldovan C. (2008), Spatial Organizing of Suburban Territories and Urban Development. Case Study: Bistriţa Municipality, Romania. Geographica Timisensis, vol. 17, nr. 1-2/2008 |full text|.​

12. Puiu V., Mitran Monica (2008), Microregions and the Elimination of the Regional Disparities. Romanian Rewiew of Regional Studies, vol. IV, no. 1/2008, ISSN: 1841-1576, pp. 87-101 |full text|.​

13. Zotic V., Puiu V., Alexandru Diana-Elena (2009), Agriculture Reconstruction in the Suburban Areas of Bistrița Municipality. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, section Agriculture, Volume 66, Issue 1/2009, AcademicPres |full text|.​

14. Cacovean H., Manb T., Rusu T., Weindorf D. C., Fodorean I., Moldovan C., Puiu V., Pop A. (2009), Land-Use Management using a soil survey geographic database for the Viisoara-Aiton hills (Transylvanian Plain-Romania). In Van Ittersum, M.K., J. Wolf & H.H. Van Laar (Eds), (2009), Proceedings of the Conference on Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development: Setting the Agenda for Science and Policy (AgSAP 2009). Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2009. Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, pp 446-448 |full text|.​

15. Alexandru Diana-Elena, Puiu V., Zotic V. (2009), Developing rural tourism through the European funds. Sustainable Mountain Tourism – Local Responses for Global Changes, Editura Universitaria, Craiova |full text|.​

16. Zotic V., Puiu V. (2010), The Danube – Barrier Effect and Regional Development. Case Study: South West – Oltenia Region of Development. Studia Universitas „Babeş-Bolyai”, Seria Geographia, LV, 2/2010, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca |full text|.​

17. Popşe Corina, Roman C., Irimuş I., Puiu V., Zotic V. (2010), Coordonate majore ale dezvoltării spaţiale durabile a Municipiului Zalău. În volumul Conferinţei Internaţionale Geografia în contextul dezvoltării contemporane cu tema Strategii de dezvoltare teritorială, 4-6 iunie 2009, Zalău, România, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca |full text|.​

18. Zotic V., Puiu V., Alexandru Diana-Elena (2010), The Sistemic Location of Tourist Elements in the Integrated Spatial Planning. Case Study. The Outskirts of Bistriţa Municipality. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Economy and Management Transformation (EMT 10): Editor Marilen Pirtea (2010), Selected Topics in Economy & Management Transformation, vol. I, Published by WSEAS Press |full text|.​

19. Zotic V., Puiu V., Alexandru Diana-Elena, Moldovan C. (2010), Concept and Strategy of Development of Road Infrastructure in Mureș County to Reduce Territorial Disparities at Mesoscale and Microscale. Part I. Theoretical background. Geographica Timisiensis, vol. 19, no. 2/2010 |full text|.​

20. Zotic V., Puiu V., Alexandru Diana-Elena, Moldovan C. (2010), Concept and Strategy of Development of Road Infrastructure in Mureș County to Reduce Territorial Disparities at Mesoscale and Microscale. Part II. Practical Proposals. Geographica Timisiensis, vol. 19, no. 2/ 2010 |full text|.​

21. Zotic V., Puiu V., Alexandru Diana-Elena (2010), From Linear to Nodal Transport Infrastructure. Case Study: Maramureş County, Romania. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, vol. 1, no. 1/2010, Cluj University Press |full text|.​

22. Zotic V., Alexandru Diana-Elena Puiu, V. (2010), Functional Zoning of the City/Village Area and Its Contribution to the Sustainable Development of Settlements. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, vol. 1. no. 2/2010, Cluj University Press |full text|.​

23. Pop Ana-Maria, Puiu V. (2010), Peculiarities of the New Architectural Interventions in Rural Area. Case Study: Trascău Depression, Alba Country, Romania. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, vol. 1, no. 1/2010, Cluj University Press, ISSN: 2069-3419, pp. 19-28 |full text|.​

24. Zotic V., Alexandru Diana-Elena, Puiu V. (2011), The „Holiday Village” Concept and Its Role in Tourism Planning. International Journal of Energy and Environment, vol. 5, Issue 1, 2011, NAUN |full text|.​

25. Puiu V., Zotic V., Alexandru Diana-Elena (2011), Tourism Development and Geographic Landscapes. Case study: Azuga Town. Proceedings of „The WSEAS 1st International Conference onTourism and Economic Development (TED ‘11): Editors: Mazilu Mirela, Sofonea L. A. (2011), Recent Researches in Tourism and Economic Development, WSEAS Press |full text|.​

26. Pop Ana-Maria, Puiu V. (2011), Martorii „verzi” ai culturii urbane, Oraşul, no. 22, Anul V, Fundaţia culturală Carpatica, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 22-24 |full text|.​

27. Zotic V., Alexandru Diana-Elena, Puiu V. (2011), Food Security in Romania ant Its Social Effects. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference ”Security in the Age of Global Changes”, 15-16 April 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria, “St. Kliment Ohridsky” University Press |full text|.​

28. Alexandru Diana-Elena, Zotic V., Puiu V. (2011), Poverty in Romania. Causes and Effects. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference ”Security in the Age of Global Changes”, 15-16 April 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria, “St. Kliment Ohridsky” University Press |full text|

29. Zotic V., Puiu V., Alexandru Diana-Elena (2012), Holiday Villages in Romania. Typology and Premises for Development. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, vol. 3, no. 2/2012, Cluj University Press |full text|.​

30. Fonogea S. F., Gligor V., Puiu V. (2012) Dinamica populatiei din bazinul hidrografic al Bistritei ardelene, în intervalul 1850-2010. Geographia Napocensis, Anul VI, no. 1/2012, pp 89-100 |full text|.​

31. Fonogea S. F., Gligor V., Boţan C. N., Pavel I. H., Horvath Cs., Bolog Cristina, Puiu V. (2014), Bistrita Ardeleana Catchment Area – Coordinates of Strategic Land Management. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Geographia, LIX, 2, 2014, pp. 203-212 |full text|.​

Egresi I., Puiu V., Zotic V., Alexandru Diana-Elena (2020), Attributes that contribute to guest satisfaction: A comparative study of reviews posted on booking.com and on Arbnb’s platform. Acta Geobalcanica, 6(1), 7-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18509/AGB.2020.01 |full text|.